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We never want to see our pets suffer and losing such a big part of your family is never easy. We can examine your pet to help determine your pet’s quality of life and to understand your options, and when all options have been explored and the decision is made to say good-bye, we’ll do our best to make the process as stress and fear free as possible for both you and your pet and sedation will be administered prior to preforming the euthanasia. When a decision for euthanasia has been made, you should decide what you want done with your pet’s remains. It may seem strange to make these arrangements prior to euthanasia, but it can bring some degree of comfort to know what will happen next, and you will not have to focus on these decisions while you are grieving the recent loss of your beloved pet. Information about burial, cremation, and other alternatives can be provided for you by any of our staff members. The decision to euthanize is difficult- even if it is a gift of love to let your pet go with peace and dignity. We are here to help you through this transition and make the process easier for you. If you have any question regarding your pets quality of life or the process of euthanasia don’t hesitate to give us a call.